Anyway, photos for you guys. Just a simple trio, with some Photoshopping for spice. If needed, I'll edit the post later with my explanations of the photos themselves, but right now I just want to make sure it works.
(ETA 11/14: Now with my explanations, because I'll be at Umass Dartmouth today and can't present in person. I've left a hard copy on your desk, Mrs. Richardson.)

"It occurred to me that anyway one more Sunday was over, that Maman was buried now, that I was going back to work tomorrow, and that, really, nothing had changed."
(Camus 24)
This photo represents Meursault standing at his mother's grave (say hi to Mrs. Richardson's legs!), and reflecting that nothing has really been made any different in his life overall by his mother's death. The photo was greyscaled to represent the world through Meursault's eyes at this point - largely uninteresting and bland. It can also represent a flashback of sorts.

"The trigger gave; I felt the smooth underside of the butt; and there, in that noise, sharp and deafening at the same time, is where it all started... I knew that I had shattered the harmony of the day, the exceptional silence of a beach where I'd been happy. Then I fired four more times at the motionless body where the bullets lodged without leaving a trace. And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness."
(Camus 59)
This photo represents the death of the Arab on the beach. The sepia tone is a step up from greyscale, but isn't color just yet (the yellow tone also helps represent the sun). What is in color is the Arab's blood, dripping down his (really my) arm. The streak of blood represents the first crack in Meursault's content little world.

"Then, in the dark hour before dawn, sirens blasted. They were announcing departures for a world that now and forever meant nothing to me."
"For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate."
(Camus 122; 123)
This photo represents Meursault's cell, in which he has the most profound thoughts of the book (Although, to be fair, the majority of his prior thoughts are extremely simple by contrast). He is actually acknowledging that he is condemned to death, yet at the same time he insists that it doesn't matter to him. Nevertheless, this photo is in full color, because he is the most alive while awaiting his death.
Diana i really liked your pics, especially the one of the bleeding hand/ the dead arab. It shows how the arab's face/identity doesn't matter; just the fact that Meursault killed him just because the sun was in his eyes, or whatever. Good job.
I do not really like the way the photos flow together...
I really like the first photo (mrs.richardson's feet). I like how it relates to te very beginning of the novel. The quote relates very well to the picture but also to the entire theme of the novel.
I must also disagree with halfnickle. I do not like the photoshopped blood, but that's pretty much just me and me dislike for things photoshopped in (though I have no issue with photoshopping in general? I'm weird, I know). I like the quote, but I think, perhaps, the picture would be just as effective without the photoshopped blood.
*the beginning. The quote relates to her feet because it could be him standing at her grave. She has a simple plaque. It doesn't change the surroundings much. He is not changed much, the picture isn't of a crying man or anything, just his feet which carry him through day to day, back on the bus, back to his apartment, back to work.
Though (I just thought of this so I'm posting it here) they also carry him out with Marie. It does not seem like he's a womanizer, so it's a kind of random thing. A new thing. So maybe, in actuality, something does change. He's adding enrichment to his life because he does not want his life to end so pointlessly like his mother's. What did she accomplish? She made some friends in a nursing home. Yippee. So that relates to the theme of the novel because, I feel, he is only trying to prove he has no emotions where in reality he does have them. So he claims nothing has changed, but then he gets himself a girlfriend, he goes to the beach. And then he shoots somebody. Would have done that before? Perhaps. But I think it is all a part of his realization that some things in life matter. And lives matter, as long as you make them.
I like the last quote "crys of hate". Even though he's finally removing everything from himself, including life, he still wants something. He wants people to react to him, to hate him. He wants to change the world, just a little bit. What's the point of being hung and having nobody there? What's the point of dying, anyway? It goes along with the theme- you can't really get rid of everything. Even as he'll be waiting to die, without a chance at a life of any sort (because at this point we've already heard his mini rant about hope), he wants to create a reaction. He wants them to hate him, to feel something for him. Even though he claims you dont need feelings. (But that's not really what he wants. He wants himself to not have feelings. He doesn't really say anything about people in general...)
^^ I felt my comment needed some back up to it. So there goes.
Really nice photos - very carefully framed and shopped. I especially like the second one, with the hand of the Arab. I love how it looks against the wall, like it really is a hand bleeding onto sand, and the imposition adds to it. It's a very cinematic sort of shot. I like how the blood represents a crack - it ties in brilliantly with the knocking at the door of unhappiness. The killing of the Arab is the first almost passionate act we see from Meursault, and it only puts him onto a track to more breaking down of this content, unemotional, safe world he's built for himself.
The third shot is also effective. You mention the color, which has been a theme throughout all three in terms of world view), and it makes a lot of sense. Throughtout the novel we do see Meursault displaying more and more emotion, coming to a thrilling climax with the priest. However, what I thought was really interesting and what sets your shot apart from all the other jail images is how the bars are against cement wall. It adds to that feeling of total captivity and imprisonment. There is no escape. Even if Meursault could leave jail, he's still trapped in a life where he is on such an incredible disconnect with everything and everyone around him. He truly has no place to go but death.
Even though you only used three photos, I think that you really thought them through and the first two especially do a good job portraying the story.
In the first photo you can really see the distance Meursault places between himself and his mother. Yes, he is standing close to the grave, but he is standing - not kneeling, not getting any closer than he has to . The face that there is no face in this photo also leaves out any room for emotion. Meursault's face is simply not important because there is no emotion to look at.
The second photo is also very good, although personally I almost get a sense of coldness from it. I think a warmer more orange-y sepia might have proven your point a bit better. The textures are FABULOUS. The roughness of the sand combined with the smooth skin and slick blood work really well. The sepia also helps to keep this picture universal. Yes, the arm could be the Arab's, but it could also be Marie's, representing the pain Meursault has brought her.
I have to say I like the progression from black and white to color. Love the texture behind the bleeding hand. I think Sarah has it right saying the blood addition is very "cinematic" -- brighter and bigger than life almost but that's what you were going for I think. It's life altering.
Marge's comments are interesting though I'm not sure I agree. I don't think he's trying to prove he doesn't have emotions but rather he's testing them out. He's testing reality to see what will happen. Perhaps he's in shock, numbed by his mother's death but I tend to think of him as testing the randomness of reality and existence. Will there be a response? Will things change if I act? I think Diana's photos sort of show this progression as well. STanding by a grave, no control, a random act of nature and existence (his mother's death). Next, a murder, the ultimate taking of control. Finally, physical imprisonment, the brick wall and bars and the realization that physical reality is arbitrary, beyond one's control and ultimately meaningless. The only freedom is in his own head. I must say though that I didn't care for Merseult when I was in high school -- I like him better as I get older.
Dianna! great job. because you only used three pictures, the viewer is forced to pay close attention the each one. this is a very nice touch. the first one of the feet and the grave is top notch work. the quote you used defines meursault perfectly and the photo compliments it well. my only suggestion would be to have the feet turned away from the grave to show his indifference to his mother's death.
next you have the hand and the blood. the quote is one of the best in the book and instead of using the light or sun to represent it you used the dead Arab. i found this to be a nice new take on the scene. instead of focusing on meursaults battle with the heat and sweat, you depict what is actually going on....meursault has killed a guy.
finally there is the corner! not my favorite. i think it needs some alteration. the meaning and quote is great and makes perfect sense however the photo just looks plain.
on a whole this is the type of work i would expect from a girl going to art school. Great job!
Im going to make an additional post on the one i did before; i really liked the pic with the dead arab & his bleeding arm; the contrast of color with the arm and backround was fantastic. the red is so bright that you can't help but look at it and i think that it really emphasizes on what Meursault did and how nothing else really mattered; he killed someone. \
However, i kinda didn't like the flow of the pics, they're all kinda random whereas other people's quotes kinda "flow together"
other than that i also liked how you sued mrs richardson's feet with the whole "maman is dead" quote. the color usage, especially! it really emphasizes how bland and not emotional he is. everything is black and white with him because he doesn't show emotions; which i think could be presented with lots of colors, for example.
"unemotional" perhaps, meag?
I love how abstract your photography is, but I have to say the bleeding hand was quite disturbing. I thought overall it was good.. but along with me, myself, and i I'm not into photoshopping
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